Creative Compass Society newest project, a series of Stage Readings is coming to the Fort Langley Community Hall. Without sets and costumes, actors will portray their characters and bring life to a script in front of a live audience. Whether it be a new play in development, a new playwright or a old standard, you’ll be sure to be entertained.

WARNING: Some Strong Language. Mature Content.
Our first staged reading, Any Luck is written by Gibson’s resident, Peter Hill, a teacher, playwright & musician. Peter’s newest play, Any Luck is a play about beer, sexuality and fishing on the Sunshine Coast and takes place in the little fishing community of Fishwood. The Coastal characters that live there get by on fishing and happy hour. That is, until their lives are disrupted by two women who arrive by sailboat from the big city. It’s a tale of love and beer as Coastal characters clash with the new residents who have arrived straight from Whole Foods. His local, eccentric characters bring a humanity to these characterizations. Any Luck was read for the Off The Page series in Gibsons in March 2023.
Theatre – Past Projects
Creative Compass Society partnered with the Langley Heritage Society and CN Fort Langley Station Committee to launch a series of interactive historical re-enactments to celebrate life at the CN Station throughout the decades. The society worked with Mark Forsythe of the CN Committee who produced an original script and after a series of collaborations, workshops and rehearsals launched the live performances in the summer/fall 2019. The production ran with 28 free outdoor performances with over 1000 audience members in attendance at the CN platform, the outdoor stage area where the performances took place. The program is supported by the Langley Heritage Society and received rave reviews by the public at large. The theatre project was also part of BC Culture Days in 2019.

In 2020, due to COVID-19, the CN station was closed for the season and the production was postponed.

As the production was unable to take place on the platform in the usual live fashion due to restrictions of the pandemic, with the help of All in One Productions Inc. and grant funding from the Township of Langley and the Province of BC, the society formed a team to produce a film quality version of the production with the original cast. Extra scenes will be added in the film version with cameo performances by additional members of the community including scriptwriter, Mark Forsythe.